Our flexible treatment plans allow you to focus your time and energy on other aspects of your job. We have a team of arborists with years of experience and the best certifications to give you a customized and thorough plan. No matter what your needs, we make tree care work for you. Review our tree care plans and contact us today to learn more!
The short answer to this question is NOW! Tree care should start as soon as the tree is planted. Contrary to popular belief, one of the best times to begin tree care is when the tree is younger, preferably right after the tree is planted. During the first growing season, watering and observation is key to the success of the young tree at establishment. In years 1-5, structural pruning can be done to begin training the tree to have a uniform and solid structure, helping to avoid branch breakage in the future. Organic matter and soil conditioners should be put down to help assist the young tree roots in establishing into the foreign soil it’s been planted in. On most commercial locations, trees will need to be raised up to assist in landscape mowing, or to keep them off of walkways. As trees grow taller and wider, they will need to be pruned to avoid scraping or hitting buildings, also known as clearance pruning. As trees grow, they will require repeat pruning, different types of pruning, health or insect treatments, deadwood removed, etc. Having a maintenance and observation program in place proactively maintains these trees, ensuring that safety hazards are mitigated, and the trees thrive.
Basic tree care for a fixed annual or monthly cost Foliar and soil testing with one round of the Soil Health – Vital Blend, which incorporates 100% natural and organic biochar and humates Clearance pruning from buildings and crown raising off sidewalks, roads and parking lots 3 site inspections by a Certified Arborist per year
Complete tree care for a fixed annual or monthly cost Includes all necessary plant healthcare treatments, interventions, inspections, and emergency responses Guaranteed replacement for any tree that dies under our care Discount tree replacement and installation of new specimens Custom tree care plans 3 site inspections by a Certified Arborist per year